It’s been a while since I last posted an update on this website. If you’re wondering why, the short answer is that I had a pretty bad crash while out riding, which left me with a broken collarbone. I’m still not fully healed, and it looks like it could take at least another 18 months before I’m back to full fitness.
For the full story, you can read more about the accident here.
As a result of the accident, I’ve been riding exclusively indoors, using the MyWhoosh platform. I’ve encountered a few issues along the way, which you can read about here, but overall, I think I’m in a pretty good spot now.
The main way I use MyWhoosh is through the workout mode. Some frustrations with the existing implementation of the workout section sparked the recent improvements I’m about to share in this post.
Workout Categories
The first change I’ve made is to the workout categories overview page.
Here’s how it used to look:

And here’s how it looks now:

This update aligns more closely with how MyWhoosh displays workouts, while also adding some extra stats. These stats help me identify workouts that are a good fit for my goals on any given day.
One thing I’ve aimed to do is mimic the colouring used in MyWhoosh. Each workout category now has a bordered outline that closely replicates MyWhoosh’s category colour, but with a lighter inner background.
Within each category block, I’ve included the total number of workouts—for instance, 68 workouts in the anaerobic category and 47 in the beginner category. Additionally, each category displays median stats, which I find more accurate than averages. I’m no maths expert, but I know the median gives a closer representation of typical values.
The displayed stats include median intensity factor (IF), Training Stress Score (TSS), calories burned (Kj), workout duration, and the median step count for each workout.
Workout Filters & Sorting
Once you click on one of the categories, the biggest update is the addition of filters and sorting.
You can now filter each section by intensity factor, Training Stress Score (TSS), duration, and whether a workout includes a cadence target.
My typical approach has been to go into the MyWhoosh workout section and sort by one of these factors, usually either duration or TSS. But with these new filters, you can now sort by any combination you prefer, allowing you to pinpoint the exact type of workout you’re aiming for.
Here’s how it looked before:

And whilst there is a mobile optimised view, for simplicity it’s easier to show the desktop view for this section:

One feature missing in MyWhoosh—and something they don’t make particularly clear—is whether a workout includes cadence targets. Sometimes I’m looking for a specific type of workout, perhaps more endurance-focused, where I want to maintain a steady cadence, like holding 95 RPM throughout. It can be frustrating to start a workout only to be prompted on-screen to follow a different cadence, sometimes significantly lower or higher than I planned.
To address this, I’ve added a filter that allows you to exclude workouts based on whether or not they have cadence targets. This way, you can easily find workouts that align with your preferred cadence goals.
For each workout in the list, I’ve made a small change to increase the text size. You might not notice this unless you’re using the site on mobile, but from my stats, it appears that the vast majority of visitors are indeed on mobile. So, this should be a helpful improvement.
Additionally, I’ve added cadence targets (if they’re present in the workout) to the workout overview. This makes it easier to rule out workouts that don’t align with the type of cadence I’m aiming for.
All Workouts List
The last change in this release is to the workouts list page. Now, I’ll be honest—I’m not a huge fan of this page as I don’t find it particularly useful. However, it’s been helpful for testing purposes.
How it used to look:

One issue I noticed (not due to anything I’ve done but rather how MyWhoosh stores its data) is that a workout with the same name can appear in multiple categories. Previously, this meant the workout would only display in the first category it was found in.
For example, the “10 Minute Best Effort” workout appears in both the “Testing” and “Threshold” categories. In this case, it’s the same workout listed in different categories, but in other cases, workouts with identical names are actually different workouts. This update addresses that issue, ensuring each instance of a workout displays in all relevant categories, even if the names are identical.
An example of this is the “40-20s into FTP #1” workout. If you select this workout from the “Under 35 Minutes” category, you’ll only complete one repeat of the primary set. However, if you choose it from the “Threshold” category, you’ll do two repeats of the same interval. In essence, it’s a completely different workout depending on the category.
Previously, this workout would have only appeared once, regardless of category, but now it correctly shows up in both places, reflecting the distinct variations in each category.

For this reason, the workouts list page now displays both the workout name and the associated category name. The category link allows you to view all workouts within that category, adding a small quality-of-life improvement.
As I mentioned, I mainly use this list for testing, but if you happen to use it, note that any links now redirect to the primary category (as they did prior to this update). If you’re expecting a link to direct you to a different category, you may need to double-check it. I suspect this will only affect a small handful of users.
I think that covers everything in this release. If you have any feedback, please feel free to leave a comment under this or any other post. I hope you find these updates useful!
great job! i use your site to find workouts to do on Mywhoosh, so really appreciate this update, as i usually search for a specific time etc! i just wish mywhoosh would fix its site so u can save the predefined workouts to the my workouts section for future use!
cheers Matt, I’m glad I could help.
I’ve still not logged into the MyWhoosh site since the last big update. I meant to do so the other day to look into what the power up gems thing is all about. I guess I’ll do that now whilst I remember 🙂
I was contemplating adding a page with a big list of all the features I think would be good, bugs I’ve found, and little improvements that would be nice. I have no idea how to report that kind of thing to MyWhoosh.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for putting together the MyWhoosh Workouts database.
Just for info, some of the charts seem to be wrong. For example “AC + Sweetspot #1” and “AC + Sweetspot #2” have yellow bars higher than red ones! Those two may be the only ones – I haven’t checked them all!!
Also a Chris
cheers Also a Chris 🙂
Yes, that does look very wrong. Thanks for flagging.
I’ll need to take a look at the data + the code to figure out what on earth could be happening there. There are several more improvements I’d like to make, too. One that annoys me currently is if you sort by e.g. duration, then click a workout, then decide that’s not the one and go back, it loses the chosen filters. Irritates me more than it should 🙂
I’ve got another job in progress currently, but once I’ve finished that I will do a spot of bug fixing / improving (read: adding more bugs). Hopefully by midweek.
Thanks again!
thanks again for flagging this up, I have now fixed this and a few other issues.
Glad to have helped (or possibly hindered!)
I landed on your site while looking for a way to import MW workouts into so I could use them on other platforms – probably a bit naughty, in which case of course I’d cease and desist 😉. But if you have any bright ideas…
Someone asked a very similar question previously so I will link to the reply –
the gist of it is, writing
files is currently beyond my understanding unfortunately.Yeah… that does sound a bit tricky. Well beyond my capabilities.
Thanks for the reply.
for your backlog, what would be great is to have the total list searchable, filterable. Ie like what you do for each category, but so i can search/scroll through all workouts, eg filter for all workouts 30-45mins etc…. love your work!
Cheers Matt, yeah I’ve been playing this over in my mind since reading it. It’s not something I could quickly implement but the reason is not due to development issues. The problem would be the resulting size of the page would be big enough that google etc would not look favourably on it. I’m thinking it would be about half a megabyte in size, which sounds trivial but out in the sticks / on slow mobile it would be bad, and google punishes slow pages.
I need to give it more thought – there will be a way, but it feels like a probable usability issue to address.
Thanks for the suggestion, leave it with me.
This is still giving me a bit of a headache.
I was wondering – would a ‘simple’ dump out to a google sheet / excel be useful?