Yesterday MyWhoosh released a short (a very short!) teaser video that they titled “🤫 Psst… Guess what’s coming! #comingsoon“, which is a 17 second video stating the following:
- Enhanced connectivity
- Amplified experience
- New App update
And that, very helpfully, it is ‘coming soon’.
Out of the 17 seconds, there really is only about 7 seconds (being generous) of content here to dissect. But we might as well try.
The big part of this video, for me, is the three or four seconds of in-game footage:


Apologies for the quality, it’s a screenshot of a video, downsampled so as not to consume like 2mb per image.
The video seems to be zoomed in on the road – you can see the kits on the right are cut off, implying this is not a direct new view mode.
It looks like Achievements are going to be one of the new features, though specifically what these will be is left to the imagination. As the achievement is awarded during what appears to be a race, then perhaps this is some kind of power or distance metric?
Hopefully they fix the typo in the ‘CADANCE’ HUD element, unless we’re going to be making sweet music during our rides?
I’m guessing that these elements make up the ‘Amplified experience’ aspect of this update.
For the ‘Enhanced connectivity’ then this most likely lends itself to the public release of the MyWhoosh Link App which right now is in Beta test for Apple TV users only. Other MyWhoosh users are hoping for this to be connecting directly with Garmin, or the ability to use a Speed Sensor, which is already in the menu system as ‘coming soon’.
All pure speculation, but my money there is safest to place on the Link App release over anything else.
Lastly – ‘New App Update’ – well, I guess that’s kinda covered by all of this stuff. They can’t magically make this appear in the existing App, not without an Update… so maybe that one is just marketing padding.
Roll on another 14gb patch!