Ready to put last month’s Zwift price hike into perspective?
It’s genuinely hard to write this post without comparing it to Zwift, and I don’t really want too because this deserves to standalone.
Truly epic.
OK, so I strongly suggest you simply watch the video. But if you can’t, or won’t, or just want to recap the many highlights of what just got teased, here we go:
First up is San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, which both starts the video and rounds it out with the second screenshot below.

This one comes at the end, and I guess fully captures the scope of the new map. I’ve never been to California so have no idea what is across the Golden Gate Bridge (on the right side, out of shot). Maybe that’s the route to the climb?

We then get a sneak peak of what I assumed would be the downtown area, with a route called San Francisco Spin. However there is a specific downtown route coming a little later in the video.

And a zoom out to Alcatraz AWOL. That’s such a cool idea.

Next up, Hollywood Hills. Suitably steep.

A bit of side action, showing some in-route visuals – the most eye catching of which is the shuttle launch. Seems like we would get fried being this close, but I guess that’s the benefit of being on a computer game. I’m sure the heat and sweat accompanying any turbo ride will add to the ambience.

Then we see Downtown LA, which I’m guessing is a flat / crit type route?

Following this we venture to Mount Grizzly, which to me feels like the first shot is either the lead-in or a misplacement of the overlay. Because to me, Mount Grizzly sounds very much like the rocky area that we transition to – the next screenshot after this one?

So yeah, this one looks more like Mount Grizzly to me.

Then a very cool looking section – Area 52 🙂

Another shot of Area 52 here:

Showing the scale and contrast now, we see Coast and Country.
This, to me, looks like either The Grand Canyon, or Monument’s Valley. Neither, as best I am aware, are in California.
Not that I’m complaining.

Another epic shot here of the Coast and Country route:

I think these next two still come under Coast and Country:

Now, I will admit these last few screenshots, and the next one, look very familiar.

Then a switch up to a far more cartoony / arcadey vibe, with this super colourful, cheery section:

Which get’s a little creepy when we visit the Amusement Park.

That’s how I look after an FTP Test.

Lastly we dive into some kind of gold mine?

And come out with a nod to the Native Americans, who I admittedly know very little about.

Just mind blowing.
This feels like the virtual cycling equivalent of the GTA 6 teaser!
MyWhoosh, you are amazing!
I am not sure when this drops, but usually with the MyWhoosh teasers the actual release comes quickly. I suspect this one will be a big patch.
Chris, as an aside, do you have a list of the training zones employed by MyWhoosh? I’m looking for something like “Zone 1 Warm-up xx% – xx% FTP” etc.
The values I am using, extracted from the workouts, are:
ActiveRecovery = 0.55,
Endurance = 0.75,
Tempo = 0.9,
Threshold = 1.05,
VO2Max = 1.2,
where, as an example, I’d take Endurance to be anything >= 75% and < 90% FTP
I don’t specifically remember how I extracted the numbers as I did it back in February and can barely remember what I did last week, but I do remember revising them to make sure the power numbers on the site matched the visual colours in the game. I will have taken the numbers directly from the workout JSON files, so they should be close but I won’t say 100% perfect as I do recall the values they use are really weird, like this for example:
"id": 2,
"intervalId": 2,
"workoutMessage": [],
"rpm": 0,
"stepType": "E_Normal",
"power": 1.8044999837875366,
"startPower": 0,
"endPower": 0,
"time": 10,
"isManualGrade": false,
"manualGradeValue": 0,
"showAveragePower": true,
"flatRoad": 0
But I hope that helps.
That does indeed help Chris Thank you.
I’ve just heard back from their support who stated that
“These are all comparative to the FTP you have set in the app:
Z1: 0.6, Z2: 0.8, Z3: 0.95, Z4: 1.1, Z5: 1.5 and Z6: 2”
I’ve clarified that the numbers given are the top of the zone e.g. Z2 = 0.6-0.8