[GUIDE] Different Types of Cycling Cleats

Cleats are small, typically metallic, attachments that are attached to the bottom of cycling shoes. They allow the rider to clip into the pedals of the bike, providing a secure connection between the shoe and the pedal. This allows the rider to generate power through the pedals and transfer it to the bike, increasing efficiency … Read more

Site Update – End Of July 2022

A massive site update today, in terms of the number of listed bike climbs anyway. We jump from: to: Pretty crazy. It’s taking a lot longer to make updates with that many climbs to list. The database upload itself takes nearly 4 hours, then another hour or two to import it once uploaded. Worth it, … Read more

Almost 2 Million Climbs!

With today’s update we are sooo closed to the 2 million climbs mark. There are now 1,983,725 cycling climbs listed on the site 🤯 Still so many more to come. It just takes time. And lots of it. Sadly at the time of writing I am currently out injured. That does mean more time at the computer … Read more

Site Update – 22nd Feb 22

A fairly big update today. Not so much in terms of overall climbs tracked, though this figure did jump by over 300,000. Today’s changes were more about improving the site generally, mostly focused on page load speed. Front Page The country list is now split between 1 and 4 columns, depending on your screen size. … Read more

Site Move

Just a short blog post today to note the moving of BikeClimbs.com from one server to another. Will this have any impact on you? No. Aside from my clumsiness taking the site down for the entire morning… long story, but the database transfer totally failed because I missed a / from the copy command. Nuts … Read more

Site Update – 29th Jan 22

A fairly big update today. It may look like not a lot happens on here, but behind the scenes there is frequently a lot of work in progress. There’s a few big changes in the pipeline, but today’s release is more concerned with fixing up some glaring issues, and standardising the locations of all the … Read more

Cycling for Wellness

On initial observation, cycling is a physical activity. How physical? Well that depends on how hard you crank those pedals over. But is there more to cycling? Beyond physical fitness, can cycling help with your mental health and overall wellbeing? Before we continue, we should probably quickly cover what is meant by “wellness”. I must … Read more

Beginner Friendly Cycling Blogs

This is, unfortunately, a fairly short list of cycling blogs aimed at beginners, or written by beginners to the wonderful world of cycling. This is my personal reading list. There are a ton of beginner friendly cycling blogs out, but so very few have seen any new updates in the last 12 months and beyond. … Read more