MyWhoosh Over Ones Workout

1x6 minutesFrom 45 to 70% FTP
1x1 minute50% FTP
1x1 minute109% FTP
1x3 minutes65% FTP
1x1 minute125% FTP
1x5 minutes65% FTP
1x4 minutes100% FTP
1x5 minutes66% FTP
1x10 minutes95% FTP
1x5 minutes65% FTP
1x4 minutes117% FTP
1x3 minutes65% FTP
1x4 minutes118% FTP
1x5 minutes65% FTP
4x1 minute120% FTP
1 minute65% FTP
1x5 minutes50% FTP

Workout overview

⏱️ Duration:1 hour 10 minutes
💪 Training Stress Score (TSS):96
🦵 Intensity Factor (IF):0.9

Zone distribution

😀 Active Recovery:8 minutes 11 seconds
🙂 Endurance:33 minutes 49 seconds
😐 Tempo:-
😅 Threshold:14 minutes
😰 VO2 Max:9 minutes
🥵 Anaerobic:5 minutes
🚴 Free Ride:-

Workout description

With various efforts, this high-intensity session looks at your ability to produce quality race efforts over 1 minute in duration.

With ample recovery between the intervals, you will be able to produce your best efforts for the target duration.

Workout designed by: Kevin Poulton

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