MyWhoosh Escalating 3min VO2max Workout

6 minutesFrom 45 to 70% FTP
1 minute50% FTP
1 minute109% FTP
2 minutes50% FTP
4 minutes90% FTP
3 minutes50% FTP
3 minutes105% FTP
1 minute50% FTP
4 minutes65% FTP
1 minute50% FTP
3 minutes108% FTP
1 minute50% FTP
4 minutes65% FTP
1 minute50% FTP
3 minutes112% FTP
1 minute50% FTP
4 minutes65% FTP
1 minute50% FTP
3 minutes115% FTP
5 minutes50% FTP

Workout overview

⏱️ Duration:52 minutes
💪 Training Stress Score (TSS):62
🦵 Intensity Factor (IF):0.84

Zone distribution

😀 Active Recovery:19 minutes 11 seconds
🙂 Endurance:15 minutes 49 seconds
😐 Tempo:-
😅 Threshold:4 minutes
😰 VO2 Max:13 minutes
🥵 Anaerobic:-
🚴 Free Ride:-

Workout description

There's no escaping the fact that VO2max intervals are hard work.

However, with the right amount of VO2max work, there are significant gains in your ability to sustain high power.

VO2max is the amount of oxygen your body can use at a sustained maximal output.

The more oxygen your body can absorb, the more power you produce.

In today's session, we are focussing on 3min VO2max efforts.

However, we will escalate the intensity of each interval, starting with 'hard' and finishing with 'hardest'!.

Workout designed by: Kevin Poulton

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