MyWhoosh 15min Varied Tempo #1 Workout

1x3 minutes50% FTP
4x10 seconds180% FTP
50 seconds50% FTP
1x3 minutes70% FTP
1x2 minutes57% FTP
1x5 minutes81% FTP
1x3 minutes56% FTP
1x5 minutes86% FTP@ 90 RPM
1x5 minutes85% FTP@ 95 RPM
1x5 minutes85% FTP@ 100 RPM
1x5 minutes56% FTP
1x1 minute 40 seconds93% FTP
1x1 minute 40 seconds65% FTP
1x5 minutes50% FTP

Workout overview

⏱️ Duration:48 minutes
💪 Training Stress Score (TSS):54
🦵 Intensity Factor (IF):0.81

Zone distribution

😀 Active Recovery:11 minutes 20 seconds
🙂 Endurance:14 minutes 40 seconds
😐 Tempo:20 minutes
😅 Threshold:1 minute 40 seconds
😰 VO2 Max:-
🥵 Anaerobic:40 seconds
🚴 Free Ride:-

Workout description

Today, working in your Zone 3 Tempo, we vary the cadence and power.

Observe your Heart Rate during the 15-minute interval and look for changes in your Heart Rate when the cadence varies.

We are working at the lower end of the training Zone today.

The added stress comes from the target cadence.

Workout designed by: Kevin Poulton

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