MyWhoosh Rolling Tempo #2 Workout

1x3 minutes50% FTP
2x1 minute75% FTP
1 minute50% FTP
2x1 minute90% FTP
1 minute50% FTP
1x4 minutes70% FTP
1x3 minutes50% FTP
1x4 minutes80% FTP
1x1 minute50% FTP
2x6 minutesFrom 75 to 88% FTP@ 80 RPM
6 minutesFrom 88 to 75% FTP@ 90 RPM
2 minutes50% FTP
1x4 minutes80% FTP
1x5 minutes50% FTP

Workout overview

⏱️ Duration:1 hour
💪 Training Stress Score (TSS):55
🦵 Intensity Factor (IF):0.74

Zone distribution

😀 Active Recovery:20 minutes
🙂 Endurance:4 minutes
😐 Tempo:34 minutes
😅 Threshold:2 minutes
😰 VO2 Max:-
🥵 Anaerobic:-
🚴 Free Ride:-

Workout description

Tempo work is the basis of many training programs and is an area of great necessity.

The key benefit to completing Tempo work indoors is the lack of interruptions to the effort, and ERG mode makes things much more straightforward.

Tempo intervals build a foundation of endurance and fatigue resistance.

Workout designed by: Kevin Poulton

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