MyWhoosh Low Cadence, Reloaded #3 Workout

1x5 minutes58% FTP
1x3 minutes70% FTP
1x3 minutes80% FTP
1x2 minutes90% FTP
1x3 minutes55% FTP
1x5 minutes88% FTP@ 65 RPM
1x2 minutes55% FTP
1x5 minutes88% FTP@ 65 RPM
1x3 minutes55% FTP
1x5 minutes88% FTP@ 65 RPM
1x4 minutes55% FTP
1x5 minutes88% FTP@ 65 RPM
1x5 minutes55% FTP
5x1 minute150% FTP
1 minute50% FTP
1x5 minutes 55 secondsFrom 60 to 40% FTP

Workout overview

⏱️ Duration:1 hour 5 minutes
💪 Training Stress Score (TSS):90
🦵 Intensity Factor (IF):0.9

Zone distribution

😀 Active Recovery:9 minutes 17 seconds
🙂 Endurance:26 minutes 38 seconds
😐 Tempo:23 minutes
😅 Threshold:2 minutes
😰 VO2 Max:-
🥵 Anaerobic:5 minutes
🚴 Free Ride:-

Workout description

You are revisiting a session from the Early Base Phase with a twist.

Low Cadence efforts to simulate the climbs and finish, including some 1-minute efforts at your Maximal Aerobic Power (MAP).

One extra repetition this week.

Workout designed by: Elliot Lipski

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