MyWhoosh Depleting 4's Workout

1x4 minutes50% FTP
5x30 seconds65% FTP
30 seconds85% FTP
1x1 minute50% FTP
1x3 minutes85% FTP
1x1 minute50% FTP
1x1 minute102% FTP
1x2 minutes50% FTP
1x5 minutesFrom 75 to 90% FTP
1x1 minute50% FTP
3x4 minutes105% FTP
4 minutes65% FTP
1x5 minutesFrom 75 to 90% FTP
1x5 minutes50% FTP

Workout overview

⏱️ Duration:57 minutes
💪 Training Stress Score (TSS):66
🦵 Intensity Factor (IF):0.83

Zone distribution

😀 Active Recovery:14 minutes
🙂 Endurance:14 minutes 30 seconds
😐 Tempo:14 minutes 53 seconds
😅 Threshold:1 minute 37 seconds
😰 VO2 Max:12 minutes
🥵 Anaerobic:-
🚴 Free Ride:-

Workout description

After completing a good warmup, the session focuses on two areas.

Completing 2 x 5min Sub-threshold intervals and 3 x 4min VO2max efforts.

However, with the 4min efforts coming after the first 5min Sub-threshold interval, we aim to deplete your intramuscular glycogen stores and see what effect this has on the second 5min interval.

Is the second 5min interval as comfortable as the first?.

Workout designed by: Kevin Poulton

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