MyWhoosh Cruise Intervals #4 Workout

3 minutesFrom 45 to 60% FTP
1 minute60% FTP
1 minute65% FTP
1 minute81% FTP
1 minute109% FTP
2 minutes50% FTP
4 minutes92% FTP
3 minutes50% FTP
8 minutesFrom 91 to 105% FTP
2 minutes50% FTP
8 minutesFrom 105 to 91% FTP
2 minutes50% FTP
8 minutesFrom 91 to 105% FTP
2 minutes50% FTP
8 minutesFrom 105 to 91% FTP
5 minutesFrom 75 to 45% FTP

Workout overview

⏱️ Duration:59 minutes
💪 Training Stress Score (TSS):78
🦵 Intensity Factor (IF):0.89

Zone distribution

😀 Active Recovery:14 minutes 29 seconds
🙂 Endurance:6 minutes 26 seconds
😐 Tempo:1 minute 5 seconds
😅 Threshold:34 minutes 50 seconds
😰 VO2 Max:2 minutes 10 seconds
🥵 Anaerobic:-
🚴 Free Ride:-

Workout description

Today's session consists of 4 x 8-minute cruise intervals.

Some intervals increase, while others decrease in target power.

However, we are changing the target power throughout the effort.

Cruise intervals are performed within Zone 4.

Focus on controlled breathing and pedalling at a cadence similar to your Time Trial cadence.

Workout designed by: Kevin Poulton

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