MyWhoosh Climbing Fartlek #3 Workout

1x4 minutes55% FTP
1x3 minutes65% FTP
1x2 minutes80% FTP@ 75 RPM
1x2 minutes90% FTP
3x3 minutes55% FTP
2 minutes89% FTP
30 seconds125% FTP
2 minutes89% FTP
30 seconds125% FTP
2 minutes89% FTP
30 seconds125% FTP
2 minutes89% FTP
30 seconds125% FTP
1x4 minutes55% FTP

Workout overview

⏱️ Duration:54 minutes
💪 Training Stress Score (TSS):72
🦵 Intensity Factor (IF):0.89

Zone distribution

😀 Active Recovery:-
🙂 Endurance:20 minutes
😐 Tempo:26 minutes
😅 Threshold:2 minutes
😰 VO2 Max:-
🥵 Anaerobic:6 minutes
🚴 Free Ride:-

Workout description

A classic 'over/under' session, working above and below your FTP.

Building on last week's intervals, we reduce the duration of the 'Over' element but spike the power! This is a great session to bring on your climbing abilities.

Developing from the very first weeks of the Climbing Focussed Plan, where we were alternating cadences, then into steady threshold efforts.

In this session, you will need to call on these elements to complete the workout effectively.

Workout designed by: Elliot Lipski

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