MyWhoosh 30sec + Endurance #1 Workout

5 minutes 30 secondsFrom 45 to 70% FTP
1 minute50% FTP
30 seconds125% FTP
4 minutes50% FTP
30 seconds130% FTP
4 minutes50% FTP
30 seconds135% FTP
4 minutes50% FTP
30 seconds140% FTP
4 minutes50% FTP
30 seconds145% FTP
1 hourFree ride

Workout overview

⏱️ Duration:1 hour 25 minutes
💪 Training Stress Score (TSS):50
🦵 Intensity Factor (IF):0.59

Zone distribution

😀 Active Recovery:19 minutes
🙂 Endurance:3 minutes 30 seconds
😐 Tempo:-
😅 Threshold:-
😰 VO2 Max:-
🥵 Anaerobic:2 minutes 30 seconds
🚴 Free Ride:1 hour

Workout description

Today, we will burn up the intramuscular glycogen early in the session and then continue with an endurance ride.

By depleting this energy source prematurely, the body is forced to adapt by becoming more efficient at utilising fats to produce the power.

We quickly get into the action today! The remaining endurance ride is completed as a free ride.

The 30-second efforts also act as part of your warm-up in this workout.

Aim to keep your effort within zone 2 and 3 for most of your ride.

Workout designed by: Kevin Poulton

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