WorldwideRomaniaAlbaIzvoareleWorldwideRomaniaAlbaIzvoareleCycling Climbs in Izvoarele There are 4 cycling climbs in Izvoarele.DJ750 (3)DN75 (1)All Cycling Climbs in IzvoareleClicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameLocationDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.Garda- ScarisoaraDJ750 9.57 km4.2%649 mCat. 22.Garda - IzbucDJ750 8.59 km1.6%137 mCat. 43.Gârda de Sus - ArieșeniDN75 8.23 km1.3%103 mCat. 44.Gârda de Sus spre GhețarDJ750 3.05 km2.1%65 mN/A