WorldwideUnited StatesWashingtonKing CountyNoveltyWorldwideUnited StatesWashingtonKing CountyNoveltyCycling Climbs in Novelty There are 7 cycling climbs in Novelty.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.SVT. 124th to North Bend (Sno River Bridge)33.43 km0.4%291 mCat. 42.Roundabout to North Bend Dirt33.24 km0.3%165 mCat. 43.Sno Val Trail, 124th to 18.78 km0.4%72 mN/A4.Novelty roundabout climb0.68 km10.1%69 mN/A5.124th to 269th0.42 km10.5%44 mN/A6.124th to Big Rock Road2.09 km1.1%23 mN/A7.124th westbound over the river1.44 km0.1%8 mN/A