WorldwideUnited StatesIllinoisLake CountyNorth ChicagoWorldwideUnited StatesIllinoisLake CountyNorth ChicagoCycling Climbs in North Chicago There are 6 cycling climbs in North Chicago.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.22nd West4.26 km0.3%12 mN/A2.22nd - Lewis to Green Bay0.73 km1.6%12 mN/A3.shoreacres south sprint2.41 km0.4%10 mN/A4.MLK to Lewis1.07 km0.9%10 mN/A5.Trail Sprint Southbound2.42 km0.3%8 mN/A6.MLK to Buckley - thru Lewis1.15 km0.5%6 mN/A