Final sprint for home

School Hill, Greenfoot, Settle, North Yorkshire, England, BD24 9EY, United Kingdom

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Climb Stats

The most common and useful climbing metrics.

Climb (Meters)23 m
Distance (Kilometers)0.25 km
Average Gradient9.3%
Climb CategoryUncategorised

Detailed Climb Stats

Stuff for climbing nerds.

Distance (Miles)0.15 miles
Distance (Raw)247.2 m
Elevation High120.6 m
Elevation Low97.6 m
Maximum Gradient14.1%
Climb Difficulty Score2,298.96

Social Climbing

All the important climbing popularity information.


There are 30,901 recorded attempts by 14,374 individual cyclists.


That's an average of 2.15 attempts per cyclist.


No one has favourited this climb.

Climb Rank

How does this climb compare against every other climb in the world?


This climb ranks 1,763,932nd out of 2,710,652 worldwide cycling climbs.


Ranked as the 184,760th most difficult cycling climb of all 332,744 climbs in United Kingdom.


Places 142,837th out of 268,497 cycling climbs in England.

Ranks 6,586th out of 9,771 cycling climbs in North Yorkshire.

Ranking 54th out of 63 cycling climbs in Settle.

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