WorldwideSpainAutonomous Community of the Basque CountryZaratamoArkotxaWorldwideSpainAutonomous Community of the Basque CountryZaratamoArkotxaCycling Climbs in Arkotxa There are 6 cycling climbs in Arkotxa.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.Arkotxa Zaratamo repechos7.74 km1.9%147 mCat. 42.Barrio De Uriondo, 2 Climb1.66 km5.4%89 mCat. 43.Subida Zaratamo - Arkotxa0.59 km7%41 mN/A4.Zaratamo por Arkotza Tramo 21.09 km3.6%39 mN/A5.Vt. Zaratamo desde Arkotxa10.52 km0.1%10 mN/A6.Arkotxa - Zaratamo - Arrigo5.77 km0.2%9 mN/A