WorldwideGermanyBerlinWannseeStölpchenwegWorldwideGermanyBerlinWannseeStölpchenwegCycling Climbs in Stölpchenweg There are 6 cycling climbs in Stölpchenweg.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.Mülldeponie Ost1.24 km4.6%57 mN/A2.Panade in lang1.43 km3.8%54 mN/A3.Up the fuckin hill0.87 km2.9%26 mN/A4.Golf Course Climb0.64 km3.4%22 mN/A5.vom Stölpchenweg über die Deponie 2.28 km0.9%20 mN/A6.Am Müllberg2.85 km0.7%19 mN/A