WorldwideGermanyBavariaLandkreis OberallgäuGunzesriedWorldwideGermanyBavariaLandkreis OberallgäuGunzesriedCycling Climbs in Gunzesried There are 5 cycling climbs in Gunzesried.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.Am Hasenacker 14 Climb4.76 km11.1%526 mCat. 22.Gunzesried-Ofterschwanger horn4.87 km9.2%450 mCat. 23.Säge 1 Climb1.6 km6%95 mCat. 44.Alpe Blässe0.58 km15.1%89 mCat. 45.Gaisrückenalpe Climb0.55 km14.8%82 mCat. 4