WorldwideGermanyBavariaLandkreis OberallgäuGroßWorldwideGermanyBavariaLandkreis OberallgäuGroßCycling Climbs in Groß There are 4 cycling climbs in Groß.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.Abzweig Straußbergsattel - Max (SF Hof)3.58 km5.1%182 mCat. 32.Sonthofener Hof Last Section1.14 km11.7%133 mCat. 43.Ziel im Sichtfeld...0.42 km12.1%51 mN/A4.alte säcke rampenklub rampe 20.34 km14.3%48 mN/A