WorldwideGermanyBavariaLandkreis OberallgäuEschachWorldwideGermanyBavariaLandkreis OberallgäuEschachCycling Climbs in Eschach There are 7 cycling climbs in Eschach.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.Hochberg 19 Climb2.05 km5.1%106 mCat. 42.Eschach Express2.05 km3.6%73 mN/A3.Eschach PP - Kapelle Kreuzleshöhe3.78 km1.7%63 mN/A4.Eschacher Weiher1.12 km5.5%62 mN/A5.Last Part Uphill1.05 km5.6%58 mN/A6.Wiesentrail rauf0.72 km3%26 mN/A7.Die Wiese nauf (Eschacher)0.36 km4.1%15 mN/A