WorldwideGermanyBavariaLandkreis KelheimMeihernWorldwideGermanyBavariaLandkreis KelheimMeihernCycling Climbs in Meihern There are 4 cycling climbs in Meihern.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.SR-Flügelsberg1.58 km9.7%153 mCat. 42.Mur de St. Gregor1.2 km12.4%150 mCat. 43.Mur de St.Gregor Abzw. Flügelsberg0.91 km14.7%133 mCat. 44.Bypass nach Sankt Gregor1.53 km8.3%128 mCat. 4