WorldwideGermanyBavariaLandkreis HofReinersreuthWorldwideGermanyBavariaLandkreis HofReinersreuthCycling Climbs in Reinersreuth There are 7 cycling climbs in Reinersreuth.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.Kreuzung Zell - Waldsteinhaus4.04 km5.5%221 mCat. 32.Waldstein von Sparneck3.48 km5%177 mCat. 33.Reinersreuth - Abbiegung Waldsteinhaus2.72 km5.8%157 mCat. 44.Rein-Zell original Radweg 2 km1.6%33 mN/A5.Radweg Reinersreuth-Sparneck1.72 km1.2%21 mN/A6.Reinersreuth - Zell3 km0.7%20 mN/A7.HoppelPoppel0.36 km5%18 mN/A