WorldwideFranceBrittanyCôtes-d'ArmorPloumanac'hWorldwideFranceBrittanyCôtes-d'ArmorPloumanac'hCycling Climbs in Ploumanac'h There are 6 cycling climbs in Ploumanac'h.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.La Clarté VTT3.89 km1.9%93 mN/A2.Pont-> La Clarté1.48 km3.6%53 mN/A3.Cote du Ranolien1.7 km2.9%51 mN/A4.To the beautiful view2.03 km2.2%45 mN/A5.Port de Ploumanach - Carrières1.16 km3.6%42 mN/A6.Côte SNSM Ploumanac'h0.35 km2.6%9 mN/A