WorldwideAustriaLower AustriaBezirk NeunkirchenOtterthalWorldwideAustriaLower AustriaBezirk NeunkirchenOtterthalCycling Climbs in Otterthal There are 7 cycling climbs in Otterthal.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.Otterthal - Feistritzsattel11.4 km6%682 mCat. 12.up to the Otter6.57 km10%660 mCat. 13.Trattenbach 120 Climb7.31 km4.7%341 mCat. 24.Otterthal-Raach4.29 km4.8%206 mCat. 35.Otterthal-Schlagl3.18 km4.8%152 mCat. 46.Schlagl 13 Climb2.85 km5.2%147 mCat. 47.Feuerwehr Staffellauf Sprint 450m0.45 km2.3%10 mN/A