WorldwideAustriaLower AustriaBezirk MistelbachPyhraWorldwideAustriaLower AustriaBezirk MistelbachPyhraCycling Climbs in Pyhra There are 5 cycling climbs in Pyhra.Clicking on the climb category column will toggle between category and difficulty score.NameDistanceAvg GradientTotal ElevationClimb Category1.Pyhra Climb3.21 km5%159 mCat. 42.Buschberg Climb from Pyhra2.7 km5.5%156 mCat. 43.Phyra - Buschberghütte2.44 km5.8%140 mCat. 44.Buschberg Pyhra side2.65 km5%133 mCat. 45.Wieviel ist noch drin nach dem Buschberg3.29 km2.5%81 mCat. 4